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Why join us ?



By joining the association, you participate in its influence, you contribute to its development, you encourage all the volunteers who put a lot of time and effort and you help the children of Tamil Nadu and all those people who need so much.


To become a member of the association In Aid of the People of TAMIL NADU



You only have to pay the 10 euro annual membership fee, the amount of which is decided at the General Assembly.


Doing so, you will be kept informed of the activities organized within the association and of the projects selected in Tamil Nadu. You will also be able to attend the General Assembly and to vote.


Why make a donation ?


ABH-South India supports the most underprivileged populations of Tamil Nadu. Children, sick, old and handicapped people need your help.



To make a donation to the association In Aid of the People of TAMIL NADU



For joining us or making a donation




Please, you can make out a cheque payable to ABH South India and send it to:





The treasurer of ABH Association South India

Maison des Associations Box 69

31 rue Guillaume Le Bartz

56000 VANNES





and fill* in the form on the page "Contact us"


* In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6th 1978, you have a right to access to, modify, rectify and delete your personal data. To exercise that right, go to


Mentions légales

Association loi 1901


Parution au Journal Officiel 11 juillet 2009


Siège social :

Maison des associations

31 rue Guillaume Le Bartz

56000 Vannes


email :

Extraits de nos statuts


ABH – Inde du Sud Association au Bénéfice des Habitants de l’Inde du Sud


Article 2

Cette association a pour but de soutenir les actions entreprises, par les communautés chrétiennes du TAMIL NADU en Inde du Sud, auprès des orphelins et des enfants abandonnés, des personnes en situation de handicap et des malades, des adultes en difficulté et des personnes âgées, sans distinction de race, d’ethnie ou de confession


Article 11 : L’association ne prend en charge ni les frais de déplacement ni les frais d’hébergement ni les frais de restauration de ses membres. Les fonctions des membres du conseil d'administration et du bureau sont libres et gratuites. 

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