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ABH South India is an association for the benefit of the people of Tamil Nadu in the South of India. It grew out of  a long friendship between Father Adolphe MAYEUL, his friends Helene and Bernard CHEVALLIER, and Father John SAGAYA from the diocese of Palayamkottai and it was created in Vannes in 2009. Today it has more than a hundred members whose support and involvement help to carry out the actions undertaken by the Christian communities in India in favour of orphans and abandoned children, disabled people, adults with problems and old people, regardless of race, ethnicity or religion.


The needs are defined by our Indian partners, on the initiative of Father J. Sagaya together with the Bishop of the Diocese of Palayamkottai, Bishop Jude Paulraj. On our side, in the Morbihan, we provide financial support and collect the necessary funds thanks to personal or collective initiatives. We also appeal to donations from individuals, institutions and private companies. In addition to this, to make the members discover India, the association organizes cultural and friendly activities throughout the year.



Father John SAGAYA



Father Adolphe MAYEUL

First President of ABH South India

All the members of the association are unpaid volunteers. The administration costs are very low thanks to the use of internet; so, each euro collected goes directly to the Indian projects that were selected. ABH South India is an association - law 1901 (OJ 11.7.2009), whose president is Father A. Mayeul surrounded by a board of twelve members and governed by statutes that specify that the association supports neither travelling nor accommodation and food expenses


Having in mind the willing to share and to develop a partnership with the people of Tamil Nadu, come and join us. Together we will be all the more efficient serving all those people who need support.

Association loi 1901


Parution au Journal Officiel 11 juillet 2009


Siège social :

Maison des associations

31 rue Guillaume Le Bartz

56000 Vannes


email :

Extraits de nos statuts


ABH – Inde du Sud Association au Bénéfice des Habitants de l’Inde du Sud


Article 2

Cette association a pour but de soutenir les actions entreprises, par les communautés chrétiennes du TAMIL NADU en Inde du Sud, auprès des orphelins et des enfants abandonnés, des personnes en situation de handicap et des malades, des adultes en difficulté et des personnes âgées, sans distinction de race, d’ethnie ou de confession


Article 11 : L’association ne prend en charge ni les frais de déplacement ni les frais d’hébergement ni les frais de restauration de ses membres. Les fonctions des membres du conseil d'administration et du bureau sont libres et gratuites. 

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